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+221 78 963 41 05



Year Of Experience

Our Capital Investment Segment

Our Capital Investment Segment shall focus on building construction, Road constructions, construction of Bridges or Investments in mechanized agricultural farm projects, Solar Park Projects and Waste to energy plants, schools, hospitals and other related infrastructures.

Our Services

Our Procurement Segment

Our Procurement Segment shall focus on the provision of acquisition and installation of government facilities through bids or direct awards from the government. Some of these facilities includes but is not limited to:

Machineries and equipment for construction and facility maintenance.

Furniture for government offices

Agricultural inputs

Computer equipment

Fishing equipment

Motor Vehicles for government

Hospital equipment

Food, medical and clothing supply for disaster relief situations

Our Government and Private Sector Service Partnership Segment

Our Government and Private Sector Service Partnership Segment shall open its doors to both the government and private sector to assist with possibilities of co-facilitating the executions of works backlogs due to funding or technical challenges. This segment shall commit to launching fund raising programs within mutually favourable terms for clients in need.


Year Of Experience


One peculiar essence that STI S.A.R.L brings to the Senegal market is the generous openness to partnerships and sharing across all players in the sectors we have engagements in.

STI S.A.R.L is not geared to taking exclusive execution of every project it secures to implement. To ensure that we always deliver outstanding results to our client, we have mapped out a strategy of pre-financing for projects through sub-contracting especially for projects that require additional technical backgrounds we believe are better fetched from external avenues.

This will also help in building up the economic strength of various players in the market.


We Strive to Be the Best in the housing industry by becoming the best employer, partner and industry leader in serving families and communities we deal with.

We want to serve with the highest standards of excellence in all aspects of our business. As we go about doing our work, we want to always have joy in our hearts and smiles on our faces.


Year Of Experience
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